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Meal Deals Restaurant FAQ's

What is Meal Deals?

How can I use Meal Deals for my Restaurant?

Where Is Meal Deals Available?

Why Is Meal Deals SAFE For Restaurant?

How much does Meal Deals cost?

How long does it take for my business to show up on Meal Deals?

Why can't I find my restaurant? How do I add my Restaurant?

Why can't I find my cuisine?

Why do you only have 1 plan?

How is Meal Deals different than Uber Eats, DoorDash, SkipTheDishes, or Ritual?

How is Meal Deals different than Groupon?

How is Meal Deals different than Google, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok?

Is Meal Deals like Flipp?

I am not registered. How did my Deals and Restaurant info get on

I do not like how my deals and/or restaurant are showcased on How do I remove them?